Friday, August 22, 2014

Biopsy Report

The final report for my liver biopsy is in. To quote the doctor: Liver biopsy showed mild steatosis and mild fibrosis. No cirrhosis and nothing that can impact lung transplant. I would not worry that much.

Huge sigh of relief. A bit of a Fatty Liver and some scaring from the prednisone. No cancer. No cirrhosis. 

I wonder if I had been a person who enjoyed cocktails for years if the results would be the same? I am so grateful that I never drank regularly. Ever. 

Since coming home on Tuesday, I expected to bounce right back. It was rather a surprise that I found myself napping for long periods of time and sleeping for nine to ten hours a night without moving. I clearly needed the downtime but I am feeling it in my waistline. No exercise is killing me! I will begin again at the rehab class on Tuesday (but I may cut the grass on Sunday). The ocean is calling to me so I might try to take a short, slow walk on Saturday.

But for today, I am going to spend the day with mom. 

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