Friday, August 26, 2016

Lots of Bumping

My university hospital is huge, covering three campuses throughout the city. It always surprises me when I bump into people I know among the people waiting for the elevator or walking from the hospital to the clinics or in a restaurant waiting for lunch. That is exactly what happened yesterday. After hugging the valet parking guy, who I have known for years, I headed into the clinics building to drop off the results of the non-invasive tests to the Lung Transplant Clinic. Done. Back at the elevator, I ran into Else and her husband from my rehab class who is in the final stages before being listed for a transplant. We began to talk. The elevator opened and out popped Dr. K.! What are the odds?

She smiled (!) and asked if I could help her. Oh my. She had a Cystic Fibrosis patient who was really suffering with GERD but was nervous to have the surgery, Nissen Fundoplication. She asked if I could speak with her. I believe that having this surgery to stop any fluid or vapors from flowing into my lungs has attributed to my ability to stave off lung transplants. It was the smartest thing I have done as the medications were not working. I was touched that she asked for my advice and help as I gave my approval to share my contact information.

Out of the clinic building, I walked a block to the building with the Starbucks in the lobby and the Liver Clinic on the 3rd floor. I was early and the only one there. It was my once a year visit, as my liver seems very happy. The front desk and the nurse greeted me like a warrior returning from the war. Lots of laughs and hugs and stories. The doctor arrived followed quickly by photos of his children and talk about my downturn and visit to the lung transplant clinic. He asked for blood tests - next Wednesday - and a sonogram to make sure all is well. In six months, we will chat by phone to see how I am doing then he may or may not order some more tests. "See you in a year." Thank you  very much.

Back to the clinic building to pay for the valet parking (same as in the garage) where I ran into two women from Dr. K.'s office. We chatted a bit, hugged goodbye when my car arrived.

I was home having lunch by noon.

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