Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Into the City

It's 5:30AM. I stumbled out to the family room towards the smell of great coffee. Coffee. Yes, please. And so the day begins. My appointment with the nutritionist is this morning and it is at the campus deep into the city. Lots of traffic and stress to get there. But, before the appointment, I need to sit is a crowded room in a building across the street and wait for my number to be called for a blood test for the Liver Clinic's doctor. Sometimes, it is a long wait so I need to drive up even earlier as it becomes more crowded throughout the day. Also, I get a break on my parking so I will cross the street to the hospital lobby to get a little card for a disability discount. Lot's to do before my 10:00 appointment with Mr. B.

After my appointment, I am free for the day. I made a long list of things to do before my brother and Michael's sister's arrival beginning September 11. I am going to do a major trimming to the yard so I won't have to do it again before they come. After that, I am going to file a pile of paperwork. A good plan for the day.

Yesterday's rehab class was a joy. It was fun to see everyone and chat my way through it. I feel more centered this morning and nothing is sore!

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