Saturday, May 5, 2012


I was sure he was dead. I got home from the final rehearsal last night and no Michael. He is never late. He always phones. I called his cell phone - went to voicemail. Text - no reply.

A helicopter flew overhead. Car accident?

I paced. Looked out the window. The clock moved from 5:45 to 6:00 to 6:15 to 6:30. I planned that 7:00 I would go out and look for him. Is he hurt at work and alone? Is he helping at a friend's shop and stayed to finish something?

At 6:30, I just couldn't just sit and wait any longer. I phoned the one place where he sometimes goes after work. It is a business south of town to Jim and Kathy's. Kathy is actually coming to the concert tonight and we have known them for years. But, he had left early in the morning to see Jim. He never sees them twice in one day....Where is he?

I phoned. Their son answered and yes, Michael just left.

It is that same feeling a mom has when a child is missing. When found, the response is to yell at them and clutch them to your chest at the same time. Knowing he was alive, I finally took a deep breath.

He had missed Jim that morning. He left his phone in the car. He thought my rehearsal would run later. He really was sorry.

After those minutes of horrible thoughts, I am reminded to be so grateful that he is here with me. Watching over me. Loving me. And he is still alive!

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