Wednesday, February 3, 2016

The Long and Windy Road

I made it through my rehab class workout yesterday but it was tough. Lots of sweat! Not easy. Some days are just harder than others. Sherman was there and was looking pretty good! Glad to see him. Dick was not there. Worried. I will be phoning him this morning.

We had a wild ride yesterday. Since the stoplight was not working at the far side of the pass, traffic backed up as each car had to come to a complete stop. Usually, a CHP officer will be there directing traffic to avoid the backup. Well, the backup was the worst I had ever seen it and it took an hour to go just a short distance. We were on our way to the Porsche dealership, I was leading with Michael following me. At the top of the pass was one of our favorite roads that snakes through the redwoods with views of both the peninsula to the east and the ocean to the west. We decided to take that road instead of staying in the stopped traffic. We worked our way to a road, which took us down the mountain right to the area near the dealership. It was a very twisty road, wet with the rain, sometimes one lane, loading with 15MPH curves and a rather scary drive. We made it! We got to the main road to take us to the dealership! Great, until it came to a complete halt. More stopped traffic. On a whim, we turned down a side street.

All I can say is, "Thank goodness for iPhones!" I mapped the dealership and it showed me how to get there. We saw some areas we had never seen before! Huge mansions block after block! We finally made it to the dealership on time then Michael drove us back to enjoy coffee at Madame Colette's. He went crazy over the place and the croissants, made with imported French butter. What a difference! He was very happy. I dropped him off at his hobby shop while I went to rehab, then retrieved him afterward to drive him back to the dealership to pick up his car.

I felt I was in a car all day!

In happy news, my black cords were loose yesterday! I have lost the weight I was worried about and am now ready for the road trip! I made a list of things to do before we leave, which is long. Today, I am staying home until the orchestra dress rehearsal tonight in order to tackle some of those chores listed.

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