Saturday, July 9, 2011

Doctor, ILD Meeting and Nutritionist

It is going to be a long three days with many miles of driving into the city each of the three days. Early Monday morning, I will meet with the doctor in charge of my weight loss program at the satellite hospital deeper in the city. It takes a minimum of an hour to work my way through the city and to find a parking space. Stress.

Tuesday, the Interstitial Lung Disease (ILD) support group is meeting at my university hospital also in the city. It will feature Dr. Luca Richeldi who is an expert in ILD. It should be interesting. I also placed a truly final order for my liquid/protein bar diet food to get me through the month of transitioning into real food meals. 

Wednesday, back to the other further away hospital in the city to have my final visit with the nutritionist while I am on the liquid/protein bar diet. We will talk about transitioning into real food and I will reveal my menu plans for the first week. Hopefully, he will approve everything.

Hundreds of miles of driving. Lots to learn. A busy few days.

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