Thursday, February 12, 2015

A Big Oops

We rehearsed Schubert's Unfinished Symphony and Bizet's L'arlesienne Suite # 2 last night. As they began to unfold, my hands remembered playing each piece before. I think I have played the Bizet atleast a dozen times. It was a fun, fast rehearsal.

This morning, the housekeepers are due early so I am out of here. Lois, my biologist friend from the other rehab, is a fine musician in her own right. She performs with a huge university chorus and we have, in fact, performed together without even knowing each other! It was back in the day when I was a member of a large, respected orchestra. Small world. Lois flies to Saltzburg each February for the Mozart Festival. It is two weeks of several concerts a day. She takes notes and photos and I love hearing about the high level of performances. In short, we talk music. We are meeting for a few hours this morning then I am going to Trader Joe's to buy the food for British Don's dinner tomorrow night. His journey home yesterday was uneventful, his cat Fella was so happy to have him home and a dear friend delivered homemade soups then filled his refrigerator with healthful foods. In a couple of weeks, Don is going to host a dinner for all of us who took care of him during his bypass drama. I would love to meet this friend and all the others I have grown to know just through emails.

I made a horrible discovery yesterday morning. Before I popped the handful of pills in my mouth, they just didn't look right. There was no prednisone. I remembered that when I filled the pillbox, I had not picked up the 10 mgs tablets of prednisone from the pharmacy yet so I decided to wait. Well, I forgot to fill them. For two days. So, I realized that I did not take any prednisone on Tuesday. None. That could be really bad. If pulled off of prednisone too quickly, it can really hurt the adrenal glands. Not good.

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