Wednesday, February 18, 2015

First Rehab Class

Sometimes, opening the mail is a challenge. There is a problem. Yesterday, it was a rather big one. Kaiser has informed us that Stanford issued a large bill to them regarding Michael surgery. Surgery? Michael didn't have surgery. We have thirty days to fight it or we will be paying the bill. I hate this stuff as we are stuck in the middle. Clearly, there is a problem at the Stanford level. So, after waiting on the phone to talk with someone for twenty minutes last evening, it became clear that we are going to have to deal with this in person. After I drive deep into the city for a nutritionist appointment this morning, I will scream down the Peninsula to Michael's work and we will go to Kaiser together with all of our documents to try to get it straightened out. Apparently, they won't talk to just me.

Rehab class went well yesterday until I hopped on the recumbent bike. I really felt like I was not getting enough oxygen, asked them to check and my saturation rate on 2 liters of oxygen was 97%. Fine. They said that the bike required muscles that I probably had not been using at all while I was sick. I really was short of breath and sweating. They also had me reduce my entire workout by half to begin to build myself back up.

Sherman looked great but was complaining about not breathing well. Then, Dick arrived to drop off some goodies but not to workout. He looked absolutely horrible. He was gray, now requires oxygen 24/7, was on a walker and had no light in his eyes. I really worry about him.

After the class, I ran to the butcher and Trader Joe's and made a fantastic dinner of roasted chicken and spinach with a bit of pepper jack cheese to hold it together. By 8:00, I was really ready for bed.

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