Wednesday, February 11, 2015


I worked on the taxes until after noon yesterday, had a bit of lunch then did a bunch of other chores. It was another nice day to try to recover and recharge my batteries.

British Don leaves his rehab center today. Home. Five flights of stairs and in a loft. Home. His own bed. He is so looking forward to it but...he says he will miss all the people, conversations and interactions. It will be a bit lonely again. But, I reminded him, he begins cardiac rehab classes and workouts, which will be fun and interesting and will allow him to meet other people dealing with the same issues.

I am sorry for those who are dealing with a lot of snow, but it is going to be in the 70s here today and through the weekend. Shorts. T-shirts. I'll try not to mention it again.

It is maintenance day today! Facial and a hair cut! The first orchestra rehearsal for the next concert in May is tonight. I love getting new music. It is like a new book, even if I have played it before.

My prednisone dosage is down to 25 mgs for a week before dropping to 20 mgs for another week. I still don't have much energy but I hope working in the yards this weekend will kick it into gear.

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