Thursday, February 26, 2015

New Focus for Blog

During mom's appointment on Tuesday, she mentioned this blog to her doctor. We had a rather interesting discussion about why some of us fight a bad diagnosis while others just fold and die. What is it inside that makes us fight? The doctor asked if she could read the blog and pass it along to patients. I was touched. I also told her to begin at the beginning.

After thinking about the past few years, I realized that I am rather stable and maybe even a bit dull. Stale. I am going to try to blog about the disease and how we continue to live our lives with adjustments for the disease. It does not run us. I am going to go back and bring the better older blog postings current.

Now hold onto your hats, after I re-read everything, I may reveal myself. Photos and everything. Being anonymous has allowed me to be totally honest without worrying what my friends or family thought. But, it may be time to allow them to understand all that Michael and I have gone through, quietly together.

The early days when I was really given no hope, I so wish I could have seen a snapshot of myself ten years later. Still alive. Still active. If I can offer hope to someone newly diagnosed with a fatal disease, that is the goal of the blog.

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