Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Because of my two falls, I did not workout at the pulmonary rehab classes last week. What a difference a week makes! I was able to do the entire routine but what was really wonderful were all the conversations. My jaw got a good workout, too! I spoke and joked and showed off my lovely purple bruises with everyone. It is nice to be comforted by a group of people. It took an extra 30-minutes to get through the workout.

Louise, the head of the rehab program, has been diagnosed with lung cancer (never a smoker), which has moved to a second home in her liver. She has begun chemo via a pill. When I saw her yesterday, she was sporting a huge red rash on the lower half of her face. She was also complaining that the chemo was making her very constipated.

Here is where I ride in on a white horse.

My mom was having an issue. She did some research and began taking a specific probiotic. She called it live changing. Several weeks ago, Michael was having a problem with constant evacuation of his bowels. Days of it. We watched his diet, got it stopped but then it happened again. We tried mom's probiotic. Magic. No problems since.

So, I thought I would try it, too! Unbelievable. Oddly enough, I mentioned it passing to William when we saw him in person a few weeks ago. He said, 'Changed my life."

Yesterday, I told Louise that I would bring in five days for her to try it, which should be long enough to see if it worked for her. The product? Schiff's Digestive Advantage Probiotic Gummies. The label boosts: 10X better survivability vs. yogurt.

Just passing this along as it has worked for my entire family.

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