Wednesday, March 30, 2016

First Steps

Yesterday was a big step forward to getting my life back. I did all the food shopping myself, hauled it into the house and put it away without being short of breath or exhausted. After running two loads of wash, hemming new white slacks and ironing several items,  I then cooked a fantastic dinner ahead of time as well as some bacon for Michael's breakfasts. He arrived home, we had a couple of hours together before I had to head next door to practice with the Irish fiddling group. It was fun but it was a long two hours. I fell into bed after I got home. What a day. Successful!

Today, I have to pick Michael up over the pass later this morning but have yet to decide whether to attack the front gardens or not. Do I have time? Maybe not. Whatever happens, I am going to the orchestra rehearsal for the first time in a month. The concert will be in early May and I have been to only one rehearsal so far. Not good. Tonight should be a lot of work.

But, I am feeling well enough to go to the rehearsal as another step back into my life. The next step will be going to rehab next week. It will be good to see all my buddies and to move my body. I am so mindful of feeling so well as it has been such a very long time since I have felt this well. Marvelous.

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