Sunday, January 19, 2014

Steps Forward

A day off. My work is done. The gardens are cut and watered and perfect, Michael's shirts are ironed, the house is clean, the laundry is done. The only thing on the do-to list is: The 49ers football game.

I feel like I am taking a day off. The weather is to be mild and warm into the 70s. Oh, we do need rain.

Working in the garden yesterday was so good for my soul. I feel better. I slept better last night. I am ready to face life again. It was one rough week, emotionally. A new week begins today.

What I am looking forward to this week: William's birthday tomorrow, being with mom, seeing Natalie and her kids to finally give Winnie her birthday presents, rehab, yoga, seeing Dr. M. to check my thyroid, orchestra rehearsal. Life is pretty good. I need to be reminded of that, after this past week.

But for today, I am going to enjoy the sunshine, a good football game, being with Michael, making a new recipe for dinner and being grateful that I am still able to be out into the world.

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