Saturday, January 25, 2014


I must have caught Dr. K. with her mind on other things. In the rehab class Thursday, I was feeling fine but just could not get my saturation rate above 92% while on the treadmill until the oxygen was increased from 2 to 4 liters. I have not needed that much supplemental oxygen in a long time. I told the RN about the whole question of the failing Nissen and whether I might have an infection brewing in my lungs due to microaspirations from GERD.

I promised the RN that I would email Dr. K. to give her the information.

Before heading to my appointment in the city with my endocrinologist yesterday morning, I wrote this to Dr. K.:

During my last appointment, you asked if I had any signs of reflux. Two weeks ago, I had burping and indigestion after eating a salad. A week later, it happened again after eating another salad. It seems to be connected to vegetables and I have been struggling with it on and off this week. In rehab yesterday, I needed 4 liters of oxygen instead of 2 liters to keep my sats above 92%. I feel fine. I am not coughing. It made me wonder if this was the possible cause of my recent bouts of pneumonia. Protonix never worked for me. I have been eating Tums when I begin to feel it coming on and that seems to knock it down.

I will be seeing Dr. M. on the 5th floor this morning if you want me have an xray, I will be in the building. You can always reach me at (cell phone)

I thought that maybe she could advise me that I might have an infection causing the desaturation, she might want to do an antibiotic run, she might order a prescription for acid reflux, she might want me to see the group that did the Nissen to test if it had loosened causing the indigestion, she might want me to swing by the clinic to listen to my lungs. Nothing.

She phoned after I got home mid-afternoon, said that she wondered if the Nissen was wrapped too TIGHTLY, I replied that it had been diagnosed as too tight but we had known that all along. She said to avoid salad and vegetables, which is exactly half of my very limited diet. Nothing. No other anything. She seemed very distracted. I rather expect her to contact me next week after I come drifting back to her mind.

In the meantime, I am taking Tums, sleeping on my wedge, watching what I eat, cooking my vegetables, eating no salads, drinking no carbonated waters or drinks but frustrated. Is it going to take another bout of pneumonia to address the bigger issue? There is a problem: I am needing a larger amount of supplemental oxygen, I have sudden onset of indigestion and....nothing?

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