Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Morning Routine

Mornings. The best part of our day. Michael quietly leaves the bed around 5AM, which usually rouses me enough to wake up around 5:30. The past few mornings, I have gotten out of bed with him. It allows us two full hours together before he has to leave for work. He puts on the electric kettle, I take my thyroid pill and we wait for the kettle to click off, boiling water then is added to the French press and the Peet's Coffee grounds, he gives it a stir and we wait about five minutes. Finally, he presses the grounds and coffee is ready.

I read the latest news on the computer, we have Imus on the TV, he watches or looks through a car magazine and we chat. Conversations usually begin with, "Oh, I forgot to tell you..." We connect. We tell stories from our day. We laugh. Around 6AM he makes himself breakfast of protein and cottage cheese with fresh fruit. Off he goes to dress for work around 6:30, comes back to the family room where he takes his vitamins with orange juice, puts on his coat, grabs his phone, wallet and keys before we step onto the front porch together.

This is it. We always hug. We always wish each other a good day or remind the other of later plans. I often say into his ear, "Please come home to me," meaning go through your day but come home where it is happy and safe and warm and filled with joy and love. I wait outside until his car's tail lights are out of sight before walking back into the house where it feels so quiet and so very empty.

I take a breath, gather my thoughts, make the bed, clean the kitchen and prepare to jump into my day after which, I will return home to glance at the clock and count the minutes until his return.

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