Sunday, April 6, 2014


Briefly, I will mention the overwhelming, pure joy I experienced playing through a ton of music on the piano yesterday morning. Bliss. But, do I ever need work! Nothing came easily and like muscles after not working out for a month, I am sure it will all come back to my fingers.

I have been thinking a lot about what my friend Barbara said about her mom having a stroke. In a moment, life changed forever. There was now a new normal. She was so right. There was no warning. No matter how much we feel that we have control or confidence in our health, BOOM! A wake up call.

It is at that moment when we discover what we are made of. What is in our core? Who are we REALLY? Like Barbara's mom, do you fight, work at rehab and transfer to your new home at an assisted living place? Or, do you decide you want to lay in bed and wait to die?

This blog has always been about giving information, medical updates in the latest research and proving that we can all live well with a BOOM! A life changing incident. A bad diagnosis.

Personally, I had mentally prepared myself for a long downhill towards lung transplants. What I have finally learned is that it is a sudden BOOM! A crash. A small window of opportunity to complete the tests and get on the list. Sick enough to need the transplants. Well enough to survive the process. The window is opened for such a short period of time.

I have just recently realized it may not play out like that. It may end with a sudden stroke like the beautiful Susan. Or in a car accident. Or die of pneumonia. Or a cancer. Who knows?

So now what? We appreciate each day and the joy that it brings. We make sure all relationship are good. Everything that needs to be said, has been said. We smile. We live. We make every moment count.

We live well with a bad diagnosis.

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