Monday, July 13, 2015

Time Flies

When we were with William, he mentioned how quickly time flies by. He couldn't believe it was already July. We laughed and said, "It gets faster the older you get."

This year feels like it has just begun. I think it is because Michael had the flu during New Year's and I fought the flu for three months beginning in mid-January, then back to the hospital with a virus in June. There has been so little time to enjoy, explore or play. It has been about recovery.

This week begins with more on that theme. Tuesday and Thursday, I see Mac at my rehab hospital for one-on-one therapy for my hip issues. I am hoping to get some relief and build some strength so I can walk a bit of distance without pain. Because I cannot hit the treadmill hard, I don't feel fit. There are appointments this week with the nutritionist and endocrinologist so we will be talking about it.

Mom has an appointment to have her hearing aids checked this morning, then we are going to zoom up to another Costco to be fitted for a new distance contact lens. I cannot read street signs. I need one strength stronger. When I was fitted with a new sample last week, the doctor told me to test them for a week before ordered them for the year. Smart. They were fine initially but I noticed I needed a stronger prescription going into the city on Friday when I couldn't read the license plates on the cars right in front of us. That is bad.

But, it is Monday. A new beginning to a new week. A package ready to be unwrapped. A gift.

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