Thursday, July 23, 2015


The human body is amazing. The pain from Tuesday fall has greatly decreased. My knee is still swollen but I have no internal clicking or pulling or strain. I can grasp things with my thumb and bring my hand up to my chin, which I couldn't do yesterday. But, I think I will pass on the rehab class today and just go to the PT for my hip.

Instead of staying home alone and moaning yesterday, I had Winnie and Oliver visit for a few hours. Suddenly, I forgot the injuries and did what needed to be done. The more I used my hand and arm, the better it worked! We first cut strawberries and rhubarb, mixed the topping and got the Crisp into the oven to cook for an hour. While waiting for that to be done and the hot dog crescents to be popped in afterwards, Winnie got to work on her first very intricate paint-by-number while Oliver watched Superman I, sent with him as a surprise gift from his dad at breakfast.

Winnie made the crescents, we tried to set up the picnic outside but it was cold and a swarm of small bugs landed on the blanket. We looked at each other and she said, "Maybe we need to eat inside." Smart. We lit candles and drank sparkling water and chatted throughout the meal. It was lovely.

Afterwards, we walked to the park and probably within 10 minutes, Natalie joined us. Her MRI went very well and she hopes to hear the results soon.

I slept like a baby last night.

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