Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Weigh-In

Both my rehab boys were at the class yesterday. We giggled the entire time just because we were so happy to be back together again for the first time in months. Sherman had fallen on a stair last Wednesday, hit a bucket handle and really did damage. He just peeled the skin back all the way up his forearm while trying to protect his face. He was lucky he didn't break a bone.

It was a good workout, probably the best since I have returned from the flu. Afterwards, I weighed-in. Through the years, I have known that their scale was slightly heavier than the scale at the nutritionists as I had done experiments on the same day within hours of each weighing. According to their scale, I lost almost three pounds. I was very happy. I am thinking of going another week of 1,000 calories for another two pounds. It would be nice to be a bit lighter but Michael is rolling his eyes as I blog. He doesn't think I need to lose any more weight. He is a good man!

Every week when I am planning the menus for the week, I ask him if he wants anything in particular. He asked for enchiladas this week. They are a lot of work so I am going to make them early this morning before my walk along the ocean.

During my phone call with 8-year old Winnie last month, she set up a play date for us. It will be late this afternoon, I am going to make some little hot dogs in crescent rolls, Frito's for Oliver and her favorite strawberry rhubarb pie. It will probably be their dinner. I am so excited to spend some time with my favorite children and Natalie. Their life is in overdrive and so very different from mine.

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