Friday, January 13, 2017


William birthday packet did not arrive on time via UPS. Due to a huge storm, it was supposed to be delivered Wednesday then again yesterday but, no. Before heading over the pass for a doctor appointment for mom, I need to swing by the UPS store to find out what is going on.

British Don's new grandson is going to receive a package in the mail filled with cute little outfits and I gifted a nice piece of tiramisu and two cannolis to Richard at rehab.

By the time I was sitting in the lobby of the hospital waiting for rehab class to begin, I felt that all my chores were done. Then, my phone began messaging.

It was Anna. Michael's sister (who we are meeting in Palm Springs next week) and his other sister both had babies within three months of each other when they were teenagers. Both gave them up for adoption. The other sister's baby was adopted by a family friend's friends and they have been reunited for decades.

But, Anna has grieved the loss of her son since he was born 46-years ago. She worried about him. She prayed every night that he was having a good life, a loving family and that he was happy. She wrote to all the agencies to allow him her information if he requested it. She did what she could to find him.

What she didn't know was that his mom had been encouraging him to find his biological parents. This week, his search found his father, as the name was the same. Anna had married, which made her harder to find. Fortunately, the father knew how to contact Anna, gave his son this information and they have been in contact. The first phone call will happen this Sunday. Anna is over the moon. Her wishes have come true: he had fantastic parents, he was happy, he was healthy. He also is married with children.

I am so very happy for her and this came at the perfect time of her life. Her other children are all settled and happy, Doug is retired and she is so ready to add this chapter to her life. I can't wait to hear the details when we are together next week. She must be glowing with inner peace.

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