Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New Project for IPF Patients

The rains continue. Roads are still blocked but some now have one lane free. It took almost double the time to drive over the pass yesterday morning, even though we left before the normal commute time. It was wild. Lots of trees down but no mud slides spotted. There is a pretty good storm due today but I'm not going over the pass until rehab class later this morning. I'll bet there are just a few people attending today as driving is now difficult with standing pools of water on the major artery to the hospital.

We keep checking the weather forecast for Palm Springs next week and no rain is in the mix. Thankfully!

My ILD Support Group is featuring a speaker from MonARC Bionetworks to talk about a new project for people with IPF. Per the email: "MonARC is a Patient Powered Research Network, enabling patients and caregivers play an active role in IPF research through sharing information, through dialogue with researchers, physicians, and each other, and much more." 
Interesting. If you want more information, here is their website: https://www.monarcbio.com

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