Thursday, October 4, 2018


During our conversation yesterday, Barbara and I agreed that there was nothing like old friends. Conversations just continue. No history needed! What was kind of funny was, at our age, a lot of the conversation had to do with our health! People laugh that the older we get, the more we talk about all our health issues but, I believe, this is how we all learn from each other. "Have you tried this?" or "I found that this helped my mom."

The two hours flew by and we promised to meet more often as she was now retired.

Jeannie and I will be leaving rehab a bit early as Michael and I need to get into the city for the PFAC Board Meeting at my university hospital. I have so much news to report to them. During our last meeting before the summer break, I shared once again that I was still waiting to be seen at the Rheumatology Clinic after turning in the referral by hand last October. Today, I will announced that I finally have been treated and announce the diagnosis of Pseudo gout.

Also, I have been asked to share my experience with a telephone appointment with my doctor in the Liver Clinic, as I was the first one on the Board to have one of these meetings. It was very successful, I didn't have to drive into the city and pay for parking. Loved it.

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