Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Best Friend

After Costco and Target, mom and I went to a great placed owned by a Greek family with a full menu but I love their Greek food. Delicious. As we were walking to the rest room before heading home, there was an older woman enjoying breakfast food seated at the end of the very cool bar with lots of panels of changing lights behind it. As we took the turn around her towards the rest rooms, I said, "Good for you! I love that you are here enjoying lunch."

She looked up at us and that, my friends, was the beginning of what will be a long relationship. She was 84-years old and she and mom immediately bonded. Mom has found her new best friend. It was magical to watch. We talked for at least an hour and walked out together after exchanging email addresses with a promise to meet for coffee at the same restaurant.

The surgery on my finger is today. I must arrive at noon and the actual surgery will begin at 2PM. What a joy to get the stinking thing off my finger. Details tomorrow.

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