Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Oh, Baby

Wearing support hose on my left leg, we made our way to visit our favorite baby yesterday. It was actually the perfect time for a visit as Shelley's husband was not going to be home overnight. He works two days a week a few hours north. Then, she had a problem with her car so it was going to be in the shop overnight. To say she was very happy to see us is an understatement. She desperately needed a bit of adult conversation.

The baby was adorable in the cute bib set mom bought for her. We did bring a few gifts, we all got to hold and smell the baby before Michael and I went out to bring lunch back to the house. Mediterranean food. Delicious.

We stayed three hours and it was so worth the four hours in the car. The baby smiled and cooed and was not bothered at all as we handed her around. A really mello baby.

Shelley heads back to work at the end of the month then Russ is staying home with her for six weeks. They found a wonderful daycare situation for her after that time and Shelley was grated another three months of working from home two days a week. The baby is so happy, they are in a great routine and they are dealing well with this new little one who has turned their world upside down. She and Russ are such fantastic new parents.

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