Saturday, March 17, 2018

All Gigged Out

I am feeling it this morning. My voice is hoarse from talking over the din of so many happy people listening to some good Irish music and lifting a wee bit of liquid refreshments. The place was packed for the group's second of three back-to-back gigs. I am sitting out tonight's gig. I am done. I am tired. I am staying in all day.

To prepare for last night's three-hour gig, I took a two hour morning nap, went out and ate an excellent lunch of fresh fish prepared in a pan then served on a bun topped with red cabbage and later, some pick-me-up espresso around 3PM. I had just half of a chicken breast for dinner before heading up to the harbor and the brewery.

My bass loved the cement floor and the glass walls. No microphone was needed in order to be heard. It just rang. The crowd was quieter and polite until about the second hour and they were fueled up. It got wild with lots of people dancing and singing and participating with us. Neighbor Ron came by for half a set and asked when we were going to play Mozart! Funny.

It was the most fun I have experienced playing with this group. The audience was totally enjoying us. One man kept insisting that we should travel around the country and just play. We should go pro, he kept saying. Right.

Tonight is at a larger venue with people enjoying Corned Beef and Cabbage and lifting their beers or Irish whiskey. The room will be packed with long tables so there will probably not be a lot of dancing. It is not my most favorite venue so I am not feeling sad that I am missing out. But, I will be thinking of the group playing for just an hour. It will be an easier night and I just can't imagine that it will be as much fun as last night!

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