Thursday, March 22, 2018

Germs Abound

I stayed home all day yesterday, organized the cabinets in the kitchen, filed paperwork and was taking a nap when Michael stumbled into the house. He was not feeling well. He thought he was just stuffed up, as he does have allergy issues, but he realized that this was different. Two night ago, I gave him an antihistamine to help him sleep, he slept great but it didn't help the sneezing and sinus issues too much. Odd. Always worked for me.

So last night, I gave him my nighttime cocktail of drugs in Aprodine, when I could get it. He reported that he was awake every two hours throughout the night. That happened to me, too if I take it more than two nights in a row. AND, he is still stuffy this morning.

Today, we have the retreat with the rest of the PFAC board members at my university hospital in the city. Approximately 200 people will be in a large auditorium together, we will work on a project then break for a nice lunch. Always interesting. It is pouring and is expected to continue all day, there are lots of accidents on the freeways right now and I an expecting an exciting/terrifying drive this morning. Michael? He is going so I don't have to drive but he will be sitting alone in the back of the large auditorium, away from the humans.

An aside, I took both drugs last night as I thought I was feeling a bit of his cold coming on. I slept like a baby and I think it kicked it out of me. Coldcalm will continue throughout today and, hopefully, I have stopped anything from taking hold in my newly recovering body.

In baby news: My niece's baby shower is two days after we get home from the 7,000 mile road trip. Back in the car for hours. I know I will be totally exhausted but I want to do it for mom. She is so excited about this new little girl joining our family and thrilled that she has lived long enough to meet her. What she doesn't know is that Shelley and Russ are using mom's name as the baby's middle name. Mom will be so touched. I won't say a word so they see the joy on her face when they tell her.'s a secret until then!

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