Friday, March 30, 2018

Conversation in Rehab Class - Insurance

It happened organically. I had finished with my check-out from the rehab class yesterday and was sitting at the far end waiting for Jeannie to finish her check-out. Saturation rate, heart rate and blood pressure all taken and recorded.

Mary sat next to me. She asked how my knee was doing so I jumped right in, "How are you doing with the transplant process?" Her whole affect changed. The sunny smile was replaced by a very serious face. Interesting. I had never seen that part of her before.

The bottom line is that I learned that she is struggling with insurance issues. Serious issues that I truly believe that no person who is so ill should even have to address. I remember going through it and it was awful.

After being declared disabled two years ago this coming August, she will be able to apply for Medicare. It took six months for them to approve me and it would leave her without insurance after August until they approve her. PLUS, she is over 55-years old so she will not be able to get supplemental insurance. Fortunately, her former employer is trying to work with her and somehow offering her their company insurance as a stop gap, if they can.

Nothing is for sure.

I recommended that she speak with the financial people in the transplant clinic. They have seen it all. They may know other options. The problem? She doesn't want to even contact the transplant clinic until the insurance is taken care of. Who will insure her if they think she is going to need transplants soon?

While sitting next to her, I noticed that her breathing was shallow and she was struggling. Currently on oxygen 24/7, she is further down the road than I am. On our way home, I commented to Jeannie that I need to be more mindful of both her and Mary. I think everyone is like me and that is just not true. Both these women are struggling to function every moment of every day. Both are fighters. Both are strong. In the meantime, it is so sad that Mary is not seeking the care she needs because the insurance is not in place and she doesn't want it on her medical record.

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