I had been using it in the mornings before leaving the house but it was using it immediately after getting out of bed when it all began to click.
Up. Thyroid pill and eye drops. Aerobika.
I use it until I cough hard enough to bring up white mucus and my nose needs blowing. Mucus has never been an issue so I am presuming this gunk is coming from deep in my lungs.
What I have noticed was not only had it stopped my nose from running but, I no longer have a nighttime cough after changes positions in bed during the night, I don't cough anymore while walking up the flight of stairs to mom's apartment, the wheezing has stopped and just the overall coughing has been greatly reduced.
So there it is. It is worth doing, in my case. The hope is that this routine supports my constant battle against bronchitis and reduces the threat of pneumonia.
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