Sunday, April 22, 2018

Just Do It

Two weeks ago, I was concerned that my energy level was not high enough to either get ready for the three-week road trip or for the actual trip itself. Was I going to have to sleep my way through it all? Will I get sick because of exhaustion? Will all the preparations for the trip get done?

Amazingly, it happened again. It seems that what I had forgotten was the more I do, the more I can do. It should be my motto. Slowly, I began to tick things off of my list. Most of those things included having to buy something over the pass or organize something in the house. The past few days, I have really nailed a lot off that list.

I was like the energizer bunny yesterday. After two hours working in the gardens, I washed five loads of clothing then spent another two hours ironing. They are now hanging in William's closet and ready to be packed. It was a lot of work but we are ready to pack them up.

Then, I hopped up and roasted some cauliflower to have with dinner as I still had leftover energy.

Though I must admit that I passed out early last night, I felt great. Filled with energy. This morning? We are staying home all day to do more work in the gardens including watering the pots and fertilizing the Rhododendrons and Camellias. I am ready to get going.

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