Tuesday, April 10, 2018

A Moment about Research

It was January 12, 2005. I was in the surgery waiting room with mom and Michael. Nervous. It was time for a lung biopsy along with a couple of days in the hospital. The last time I had been in an hospital was to give birth to William in the early 80s.

Suddenly, this handsome, very tall doctor asked to speak with us. We were taken into a quiet conference room where he very politely asked if they could use a tiny bit of my lung biopsy for a research data base. (He was Dr. C, the head of the ILD clinic who turned into a dear friend of mine through the years.) Without a moment of hesitation, I replied that not only could they use any leftover lung tissue, I gave permission to take extra, if needed. He smiled and said that would not be necessary. That data base has been used for so much research not only at my university hospital, but at research facilities all over the world.

I believe in research. I believe that these diseases will be cured through research.

Currently, I also am involved in a brain research project. I noticed that I was losing my short term memory in tiny ways after beginning Lipitor. I wanted to keep an eye and it and prove it. It involves taking brain games tests every six months, one visit to the offices in the city where I gave saliva for DNA testing and a brain MRI.

In the past, I can remember being involved in a lung disease research project having to due with grip strength. That was a weird one! All in all, I remember participating in about 5 or 6 research projects. All the lung disease drug testings were only requesting patients with IPF so that left me out. If I qualify, I always volunteer.

Please consider participating in a study or project as it just may be the one that changes the direction of a disease. Wouldn't that be wonderful?

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