Monday, April 23, 2018

Noticed a Change

Something pretty wonderful happened yesterday. I did my morning routine of thyroid pill, eye drops and Aerobika. Standard. I did many things like created an amazing Sunday morning breakfast before doing a bit more work on my list of things to do before we take off on our trip. Normally, I take my inhalers and nose spray before leaving the house or if I am doing chores/gardening around the house.

After lunch, the gardens called to me, I trimmed a few things, fertilized over a dozen rhododendron and camellia plants and watered everything. It was then that I asked if we could check the electric sprinklers to see if all was well. That turned into a major chore, which involved walking at least two dozen times between the back yard and  the programing box in the garage while Michael fixed so many problems. He is a genius!

I spent the afternoon trimming, weeding, a lot of standing in the sun, working on the sprinklers, watering the entire yard by hand and generally not resting or sitting or stopping.

It only occurred to me later that I had never used my inhaler yesterday and that I did physical work in the garden without oxygen all without coughing! I swear it due to the new Aerobika device. I have noticed that I am not getting the amounts of clear mucus up as when I first began to use it. My guess is that I have cleared it out and only am dealing with smaller amounts each day. It is allowing circulating in the lower part of my lungs to keep infections at bay and less coughing. Amazing.

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