Sunday, December 6, 2015


Mom meet Christien. Christien meet mom. And that is how they met after all these years. We had lunch together, talked non-stop before heading home. She was excited to see our new tunnel and the lights on the new Bay Bridge so off we went to the city. The tunnel was very impressive but the lights were not dancing on the bridge yet. Still setting them up. I cooked a quick roasted chicken dinner then we talked until bedtime. A really nice day with a dear friend.

It is raining a bit today but that won't stop us from a drive down the coast for lunch and a visit to the goat farm. Dinner tonight will be some fresh fish covered in almonds over a bed of steamed spinach. YUM! But today, we will probably walk downtown or go for a walk along the ocean during a break in the rain.

We are also meeting Natalie this afternoon to look at a house in our neighborhood. I bet they put an offer in.

It is so nice to have a friend around for a few days. Fun to have a conversation without a phone or computer involved.

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