Monday, June 19, 2017

Father's Day Wrap-Up

It has been so nice to have Christien with us. We stayed at the house all day yesterday, enjoyed Father's Day with its glorious weather, ate a delicious lunch and dinner was fantastic. Word from the outside world is that traffic was stopped well into the late evening. Stopped. So many cars had been on the coastside that the road were overwhelmed. We felt so smart that we had not tried to go anywhere.

William phoned from England to wish his father a Happy Father's Day. All was well on tour and they were heading into London today. We were able to tell him that we would be at home at Christmas with just my mom and asked if he wanted to run down to Palm Springs with us the next day. He was thrilled! That is something to look forward to!

Christien was on the phone with the mortuary, her step-father and children on and off throughout the day. This time-out at our house has given her the opportunity to focus on her mom's passing and to deal with a lot of details.

Today, she and I are driving down the coast to the little town with the goat farm for lunch at the fantastic little restaurant. The whales have been recently sighted along the route so we may see one or two. We all decided that we will have leftovers for dinner tonight. Easy!

The greatest news is that Natalie and her husband are bidding on a house in our neighborhood this Friday! Winnie and Oliver might be right around the corner! That would be marvelous! Let's hope they win the final bid.

And, finally, the knee. I have been walking around with no pain and hardly a notice that there was a problem. No limp. It is still wrapped for support but it probably is not needed anymore. I think I will keep it for a bit longer as insurance.

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