Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Back to Class

Word from Oklahoma City is that British Don was surprised how everything easily fell into place, including attending a little party in the evening. From the flight to falling into bed, the entire day was a totally smooth transition into his new life. He feels at home. All good news.

The rehab class had just a few people attending, guess others were not ready to return yet, but it felt great to workout. It was so good to talk with each other. One of the RNs, who has helped out in our class but is an expert in the Cardiac Rehab program, had her last day at work yesterday. After 41 years, she was retiring. Her daughters have had four children in the last 18-months so she is going to watch the babies two days a week. It was a bit teary for both of us. I will miss her.

Michael got his brother to drive up to the city to pick up the Jeep from Don's garage so we didn't have to drive to the city during rush hour yesterday. Great! We had a quiet evening and I fell asleep early again.

Today, Christmas will go back up into the attic. I am going to take my time and enjoy just being home all day. Also today, we are finally expecting a bit of rain through Friday. My gardens will be very happy.

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