Thursday, January 25, 2018

Food, Glorious, Food

Food is still an issue. We are switching from carbs, that went down easier, to protein beginning today. Michael is going to swing by the butcher to buy freshly ground beef for small patties. Simple. I am thinking of buying some red potatoes to roast for dinner tonight, too. That will take care of two days of dinners and then I have to see what sounds good.

Coffee is still out. It takes me to my knees with nausea and the urge to vomit. I have never been a soda person but the saving grace right now is Diet Coke. The caffeine in the morning is life changing!

I picked up the house for the housekeepers, though it took some time and effort. Small tasks are exhausting. I also made an appointment with my primary doctor in town on Monday. I need their advice and to listen to my lungs to see if I am ready to return to rehab class.

But today, I am so excited to get my hair cut and colored. I will feel better.

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