Thursday, January 11, 2018

Fighting Back

I didn't leave the house yesterday. It was a day filled with rest and Coldcalm. It seems to have paid off as I no longer feel a cold coming on. Success! But, it is not smart to feel too smug as it can sneak back and BOOM! Just to be on the safe side, I am going to swing by CVS to buy more Coldcalm to have on hand.

The newspapers are filled with stories about the flu and the misdiagnosis of the flu (meningitis) and the sad deaths of young, healthy people. I am reading about the differences between a cold and the flu. Apparently, the flu hits you like a truck. Miserable. Fever. Cough. My health could not handle the it, at this point. Michael is worried about me being exposed to it in my rehab class and doesn't want me to go for a few weeks. The rehab RNs were telling me that some people tried to come with colds and they sent them home. They are pretty good at spotting problems. I just must remember not to touch my face at all as that is how it can easily enter my body.

For dinner last night, we had day two from a huge pot of soup filled with vegetables, which warmed our bodies. We slept great and I feel like I can conquer the day. There is an Irish Fiddling rehearsal this evening and a 7PM gig tomorrow night at a swanky place. Saturday, the house alarm company will be here at 8AM (!) to upgrade our system. A busy few days ahead.

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