Thursday, July 5, 2018

He Asked, How are You?

Yesterday morning, it took under two hours to make and bake two pans of baklava. This morning, we will cut them, package them and two will be sent off with Michael for distribution. The Greek mechanic and the family who owns a deli he visits almost every day will each get a container. The largest will be sent via UPS to Michael's mom and sister. The secret of my baklava is that it is not sticky sweet like the traditional baklava.

While sitting in the garden yesterday, Michael asked me how I thought I was doing health-wise. I replied that I am feeling a major downhill caused by not being able to exercise at the desired levels. He said he has noticed a difference in the past three months. In August, I am scheduled for a CT scan and PFTs so that will reveal if the disease is progressing again. I think I am feeling other issues. Having numb toes, the nob on the joint of my finger, stiffness, maroon toes, freezing toes all point to another autoimmune disease. I really need to see a rheumatologist.

Remember them? I hand delivered my referral to them last October and have heard...nothing. The next time I am at my university hospital, I will swing by, describe the increasing symptoms and once again explain that I want to been seen by them because they will need to report to the Lung Transplant Clinic as my time grows closer.

For today, I am going to check-in with Jeannie this morning, mail the baklava, buy some supplies at Michael's Crafts for mom's birthday celebration and maybe a quick Costco run before the rehab class.

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