Wednesday, July 25, 2018

What a Difference with a New Statin Drug

What a difference a statin drug makes! It has been less than a week since I have switched from 15 mgs. of Lipitor to 5 mgs. of Crestor and I am really feeling the difference, probably due to the lower dosage. Wow.

The reason I need a statin is because of taking Imuran (some of you are taking Cellcept), which processes through the liver. The Imuran supports the prednisone. My liver complained by becoming swollen and turning fibrotic. After being on Lipitor, it is of normal size and no sign of any problems, though I have Fibroscans and other tests to insure all is well.

Memory issues were the primary reason I asked to leave Lipitor. On Monday with mom, there were two instances that I pulled a name from my childhood out of thin air and another long ago memory that I never would have remembered two weeks ago. It feels like a brain fog has been lifted.

Sleep issues have plagued me for years. Five hours of sleep, two hours awake, two hours of sleep. That was the routine. Last night, I slept seven hours without waking. Seven hours! I feel so much better! I don't feel like I will need a nap this afternoon!

In other news: I spoke with Jeannie yesterday. She got approval from Hospice to return to our rehab class and has decided to attend every Thursday. Since Betty's mom's funeral is tomorrow, we will begin next week. She has no strength, is back on an anti-anxiety drug but they are now talking about morphine. Going back to rehab is so much more than rehab. It is getting out into the world. It is about talking to and from. It is about rolling down the windows of my car while driving on the most beautiful back road through the trees. She realizes that she will probably only be able to complete just a few minutes of her exercise routine. Everyone will welcome her back.

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