Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Step By Step

I AM WALKING! Well, maybe not walking but more like limping along slowly. But, I am able to move about without the walker. It happened yesterday afternoon when I took just a couple of steps in front of the couch. Then, I walked around the couch. There was no stopping me! It has been marvelous and I will never take walking for granted again!

Since Monday evening, I switched to Aleve and I think that really made a positive difference to the pain level. This morning, it had worn off and I was really sore and stiff. After taking it, I noticed that the pain was at a much lower level.

Michael is due home early this afternoon and I plan to surprise him. He will not believe how well I am doing. The only problem is the knee has a lot of fluid again so I need to make an appointment to have it drained.

We have to pull the house together for the housekeepers tomorrow and not much else, other than to make some dinner and boy, do I need a shower. A quiet day ahead!

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