Thursday, June 4, 2015

Company Minus One Day

Our final day together. Company arrives tomorrow morning so, as tradition dictates, we are going out to dinner tonight. We love this time to take a deep breath, talk about the upcoming visitors and just be together for the last time in days.

This will come after a day that begins with me finally washing the windows, the housekeepers doing their magic, a beautiful praline-covered chocolate cake will be made and mom's eye doctor appointment is later this afternoon. I am feeling better, the ear is better but I am still coughing a bit. I completed a long list of things to do yesterday and even had time to get my eyebrows waxed. Ouch!

I love company who share that they want to go out to lunch and just have a few appetizers for dinner. My kind of people. We so hope the fog lifts so we can be out in the garden, especially in the evening.

Michael. What a guy. While being so sick lately, he really stepped up to the plate. Again. He was so thoughtful and just worried about me. Very tender. Very sweet.

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