Thursday, August 30, 2018

Need a Referral

Diving home from grocery shopping yesterday, it was all I could do not to fall asleep. Rolled down the windows, turned up the radio and sang. Within minutes of being home, groceries were put away and I fell onto the little reclining love seat and slept for over an hour. Then, I was off to Safeway to complete the week's food needs and I was feeling better.

It was worrisome. I emailed Dr. K. and received an immediate reply that she was gone but would reply when she returns. Usually, it states a date but, there was no date and that made me a bit nervous.

So, before my rheumatology appointment today, I am going to run up to her clinic and ask when she I will be returning. If it is not soon, I will ask to speak with the clinic's nurse for advice. I may even ask if another doctor could review my chart and the latest CT reports regarding "moderate coronary artery disease" and write the referral. 

We are so looking forward to the weekend. Will explain tomorrow.

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