Wednesday, August 29, 2018

And the news is...

It was a good news/bad news day yesterday. The good news was that I had a ball at the retina doctor's but it took over an hour to finally have all the photos taken and the meeting with the doctor. Within that hour, I chatted with a lovely older woman who was born and raised in New Orleans. We talked food! Then, while waiting for a photo of my eye, I chatted with a major restaurant chef and we talked! After he was called away, I chatted to with two women and we chatted about our eyes then we talked about food! What a lot of fun!

The really good news was that the doctor said the bleeding inside my eye was gone. The blood clots? Gone. He wanted to see me in December just to be sure but that was news I needed to hear.

After a Costco run, I went to the hospital lobby to meet everyone before our class and learned that Barry had been sent home last Thursday due to his heart issues. They wouldn't let him exercise. I wasn't feeling great, I think from the horrible lunch with mom where I got a bit of food poisoning. Things were just off. I began the workout. Treadmill? Done. Arm bike and wall pulleys? Done. The bike? That was the bad news.

I struggled from the start. Five minutes in, I knew I was not going to be able to finish my normal time on the bike as I was short of breath and profusely sweating. Calling Maddison to check my vitals, she immediately told me to stop. My heart rate was 130. That was very high for me. I had to sit, drink water and wait for it to come down.

Did this have to do with my coronary artery disease? I am thinking that it does. Never happened before.

Today, after food shopping, I will send Dr. K. a note asking if I need to see a cardiologist. Tomorrow, I will be meeting with my favorite nutritionist at dawn followed by the first rheumatology clinic appointment on a different campus.

The fun never ends!

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