Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Everything went off with no problems yesterday. We bought the five boxes of Godiva Chocolates as party favors for mom's birthday luncheon on Friday. I will now slip one origami crane under the ribbons and have them ready to place on the table, along with the 10 origami cranes, before everyone arrives at the restaurant. I then ordered a dozen red and white roses for the Saturday party at her complex.

After a quick lunch, we picked up mom's replacement sunglasses and her repaired hearing aid at Costco. We hit the appointment time and even dealt with the worst parking lot ever. We felt we worked hard!

This morning, I am meeting my biologist friend Lois for coffee at a place across the street from the rehab class. She bought a new car, her first time buying a car on her own as her husband died last year. I can't wait to see it!

I am looking forward to my upcoming appointment with the rheumatology clinic. The stiffness in both knees has become more intense and I am afraid the diagnosis of "gout" is really true. Gout is considered a type of arthritis. It is still a puzzlement to me that I don't have high uric acid levels, usual for people suffering from gout.

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