Monday, August 27, 2018

Slower Week

Last week was rough so this week should be a lot easier. I only have three medical appointments! The one I am most anticipating is Thursday's first appointment with the rheumatology clinic to take a look at my finger. Yes, I have been diagnosed with gout on my finger.

Yesterday, I fell asleep after breakfast until around 11 when Natalie awakened me with a message. She was going to be in town to pick up some jewelry and wanted to meet for lunch. Yikes! I had to dress quickly and she arrived with just minutes to spare. I offered to cook Chicken and Cheese Quesadillas using my low carb tortillas since she couldn't stay long. Faster than a restaurant! We had a good chat, a nice lunch and she took off before the tourist traffic was heading back over the pass.

I just can't stay awake. By 6:00, I was asleep again and slept the night away.

Mom and I are together today. She is having computer issues - at 90 years old! - and needs my help. I want to run her up to a mall in the North where I found the discount Japanese store that I think she would like. There are lots of places for lunch there so we will be on an adventure.

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