Saturday, August 18, 2018

Party #1 Wrap-up

Mom's first 90th birthday party was wonderful. There was only one glitch and it was something I had no control over! Someone was sitting in the booth had we requested. No problem, we were early. We were told they were finished. Then, she went to the restroom, returned and they talked together well after the bill had been paid. An older couple. I had to kind of smile and thought. "Isn't it sweet that they still want to linger to talk with each other?" But, I wanted to place the Godiva Chocolate boxes and origami cranes on the table before mom's friends arrived. Finally, they left in time as mom's friends were a bit late due to a traffic accident.

It all worked out just fine.

Lily and her husband arrived, it was the first time we had all met. She and mom were both volunteering at the library where they met and became good friends. They go to lunch together and that makes me very happy. Mom has a good friend. Her husband loves cars so he and Michael talked non-stop. Both were very happy.

The service was outstanding, the food was delicious and the conversation never paused. It was everything I had hoped it would be. Mom felt loved and special.

Photos? I forgot to take some of the whole group, just the table. Dumb.

The six dozen custom cupcakes are due to arrive this morning and we will drive over the pass, pick up the flowers and set up the room for Party #2 where mom lives. My sister Lee and Jeff will be there and she is going to play their new grand piano in the lobby, which will drift into the party room.

I hope it all goes as well as Party #1. Fingers crossed.

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