Friday, August 10, 2018

Pulmonary vs Heart

While hanging out together before the rehab class, Barry asked if we had heart problems. Sashi said she had an enlarged heart and Janet said hers had been damaged in the massive car accident that almost killed her. I explained about how people with long-term lung disease usually have heart issues as it has suffered from the lack of oxygen, at times.

The problem is the symptom is the same, shortness of breath. Is it a pulmonary or a heart issue?

Our friend British Don thought it was pulmonary, he went to see doctors at my university hospital only to discover they felt it was a heart issue. They were correct and a couple of years later, he needed a quadruple bypass.

I asked Barry if he had any chest pains while playing tennis. He paused and said, "Well, just the other day..."

The problem, as we asked more questions, was that he had a heart test two years ago, had a stent installed and the doctor wants to do it again using the results of that test. As he had been complaining that his breathing had be going downhill for the past three months but his pulmonary function tests were slightly better, I mentioned that he should request a new heart test. An echocardiogram. A bubble test. Something. He was using an old EEG for a current problem. Yikes! I hope Barry was misunderstanding the situation and that the doctor has it under control but, Holy Cow.

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